A Message From Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Aldo Pucci

Welcome to our website!  I encourage you to visit it regularly as we will update it with the latest videos of our worship services, as well as news about Free Gift Baptist Church.

We welcome everyone to attend our worship services and Bible studies.   We worship on Sundays at 11:00 am.  Our Bible study is on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.

Please take a look around our website to see what we are about.  I encourage you to pay particular attention to the “About Us” section, as it contains our statement of faith and information about our approach to worshiping and serving God.

Please pray for us that we will serve God exactly as he wants us to serve Him. 

Most importantly — if you were to die today, do you know for certain that you would go to heaven?  You can know for sure.  Please contact me at 304-670-9334 or email me at draldopucci@gmail.com.  I would love to show you through God’s Word how you can know for sure.

Dr. Aldo Pucci